Wednesday, July 01, 2020

A2Z April Challenge L is for Limitless

I have lost track of time
What use is watching the clock
What does it matter?
There are no office hours
Nor running after fast local trains
No goodbyes at the end of the day.
No busy schedules
There are two things I do for me
Two things I do for family
Two things I do for my home
Hours are spent dreaming of the limitless possibilities of what I could do
If I was free
Limitless are choices available online
Free web series
Free online crash courses
Free discussion groups
There are
Restaurants offering
Takeaway services
Large banquet of food
All you do is watch and drool
At home
You just eat
Butter and bread
Or biryani if you are a chef
Limitless is the fear all around
Clouded in everyones eyes
Specially ones who witness death
Dressed in full suit white
Couldn't mourn for dead
Just careful to keep his distance safe
For safety
Detached he stays
Limitless are the ideas that flock my head
They come in cluster like bees
Swarming my mind via 4G
Giving me the nectar of know-how
I am aware that I am not alone
There are million of people in same shoe
Walking through same phases of boredom
But they move on
I understand
They embraced the situation
So could I
Lets not crib about life
Its lockdown not war
Limitless is the sky and the sea
Limitless is the universe
Just a grain of sand are we
Blown away by winds of love
L is for Limitless"

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Thank U for this award

Thank U for this award
It feels good to be appreciated
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