Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Inside Four Walls Of My House

 Time passes by

I have learnt to sit inside four walls of my house

The only long walk I take, no more in parks but on my 8th floor

From the window touching my bed, passing through my bathroom door, kitchen, living room, to lobby outside my main door, passing through three lift till the opposite closed room no 804 and back again.

Enough exercise for the day is to complete six rounds. Sometimes  might walk down to seventh floor and climb up again.

With me as my sole company, I  have learnt to argue with me,  i rest on my soft sofa close to the window and watch the sky change colors during the day from light blue to dark blue to pitch dark with twinkling diamonds on cloudless nights

Greedy crows visit me only if I have bread to share. On the days when I am generous I offer them mithai or crumbled fruit.

Friends I had once upon a time, I recognise them no more. 

Food has been my savior. My daily normal food has suddenly got exotic. English vocabulary puns behind my cheeks. Curd is now greek chilled yoghurt. Palak is local greens, chappattis are tortillas, fried potatoes -french fries, rolled up roti with left over food is wraps.

I buy fruits from farms all the way from Tons Valley at Uttrakhand, the hilly regions of north east India. I am supporting farmers who protest on the street. I tweet my support in 140 characters

My linen pyjamas with floral design are ordered from Surat. I invite my family to buy the same designs and we party on boothcamps, each one us chomping on same menu of samosas and mint chutney and cup of adrak wali chai.

Netflix and prime videos have replaced cable network, radio FM keeps the silence away, Endless podcast, instalives, zoom on, turn the needles of my wall clock I find no time to read, words overflow from pages of book begging for attention

Did you get Vaccine? Are you still alive? Next building is sealed with 13-15 new cases, the intelligent talk of the town are conversation on taking precautions, as if you dont know.

Time passes by

I have learnt to sit inside four walls of my house

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