These rapists will dare again
To unclothe
Another innocent girl,
Who, moments ago had
Danced to the tunes
Hummed a song
At the break of the dawn
Where is the justice?
Will they ever punished
I am never in the know
Always caught unaware
It is the women
You blame
Why must she be ashamed?
Let me live in safe country
With future secured
Windy discussions and
Hollow threats is
No solution
To end violence
Chop off their pride,
Cripple their manhood
Show your courage
Punish those cowards
Not every girl can use a pepper can,
Nor punch a karate shot in the air,
Extend your hand to hold me,
Give me a secure land
A beautiful world I seek
Where woman is respected,
With pride, I could walk
Please show me your power
Show me your strength
Tell me that I can trust you
Tell me you truly care.
Sharing my thought with Marathon Bloggers who decide to blog everyday in the month of December