Sunday, June 28, 2015

Birthday Cake

Birthday cake
sweet and soft
lights up the twinkle
in the child's eye
What excites him more?
the candles that stand
like soldiers
with orange flickering cap
that vanishes with
a whiff of wind from his throat
or is he happy with musical sounds
like magic band
in rhythm
with a birthday song?
He squeals with joy
as he slices up pieces
of soft flesh
and relishes the strawberry
n chocolate flavor
his contented face so infectious
that I wish there was a
reason to celebrate
with a piece of cake

‪#‎celebrations‬ ‪#‎birthdayCake‬ ‪#‎poetry‬ ‪#‎WordsTellStories‬

Thank U for this award

Thank U for this award
It feels good to be appreciated
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