Thursday, December 30, 2010

Goodbye 2010

On this final chapter of 2010, there is no end, the unfinished story flips over to the next year, tweaked a little, with more new characters, murdering the unfulfilled desires and dreams, creating enough space for protogonist to edit her phrases to weave a new world

Monday, December 27, 2010


The sun walks away
Quietly behind the hills 
Shedding off its pink trail
On the belly of the sky
Reflection on waters bid shy goodbye
As the night falls.

Once again it will back at twilight,
Newer dreams will float on fragile minds,
Some will bloom colorfully when realized
While others will sink and never materialize.

Life goes on like it always has,
With every sunset,
There is a newer sunrise.

Pretty Sparrow

A tiny plump sparrow sits closer to my feet

Fearless, shrugs her feathers, enjoying the crisp cold breeze

Unmindful of my moods that swings from hot to cold

She chirps away my blues, with her stories not yet told.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Dashing through traffic jam

On crazy Mumbai roads
With one sharp-edged mood
Santa sees the tempers glow
He tries to keep his cool
Don't want to spoil his day
But too much on Mumbai roads
Is testing his red-hooded brains

Auto-rickshaws here and there
Breaking all traffic rules
Gives him continuous jitters
As they rattle down the roads
He holds on to his goody bags
And hums softly some prayers
Hoping he will survive
Without a broken bone

Mingled roads
Jumbled roads
Oh it’s such a pain
Its no fun
Travelling is better
If he went by local train


Thank U for this award

Thank U for this award
It feels good to be appreciated
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