Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Creativity: a prodigy of design

What if world was just black and white with just few shades of grey? One brick over another brick lay without a design etched in clay

Would we hop from place to place, traveling over seven seas? To trace the intricate design on bare walls of just white paint and lots of grease

It’s the creativity of our artistic mind that creates the design without haste. Each curve has different story to tell in our book of our creative taste.

I stand under the iron eaves, the design clings on to my skin,The shades of light reflect from my face, is this another phase?

A pyramid under the roof forms designs with slabs of unequal shapes, It’s the colored light that marks the curves giving shades of florescent taste

The glassy shapes of different shades, look, how they reflect the light, Brilliantly shining on each mosaic of tile, its creativity of design

A pillar, just a leaning stone on which rests one floor, but, Its shapes and structure round or square highlighted when in gold

Art can have many forms: cylindrical or spherical or square, Its placement, in relative to different shapes results in amazing pairs

It’s the frequency of same curves and shapes that we would call a design, Only a person with artistic mind could create such beauty, truly divine....

Friday, December 04, 2009

It's All in the Days Work

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 5; the fifth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

In the morning I put a comma
In the evening I erase it
All day, round the clock, the words taunt me

They bring me the messages
From flowers and trees
In a basket full of fragrance, I feel pleased

They come in smaller groups
With their sweetest melody
Happiness and love, I hear them teach

On days, when they are blue
They sit crouched outside my door
Sulking and flunking, wanting to be eased

And when they are sad
Weep, wetting my porch
With my hope and balm, they feel relief

On days, when they are cheerful
They are welcomed with some grace
Commas and periods, in calm retreat

On sofas they sit,
Under cabinets, they crawl
The verses and sentences, to each other they greet

It’s all in day’s work
The words are my friends
Metaphors and similes, we all have a feast

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

Baby's Smile

A baby's smile glowing on a chubby face

bringing us joy with its lovely gaze
What better wonder can in this world makes sense
than to feast our moments in child's presence...

Wednesday, December 02, 2009


A matrix of design

sheds off from the body
of a beautiful butterfly,
on an artists' paradise
tickling out the inspirations
of a painter, who
collect all its pastels
to paint....

Thank U for this award

Thank U for this award
It feels good to be appreciated
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